Martina Badiluzzi
In Penelope, a contemporary woman shares the stage and the body with a timeless female figure, an ancient presence, a mother, the progenitor of all stories. Around this woman, the absence of affection, of an interlocutor, the impossibility of a dialogue: Ulysses is not here, he has gone to war with other men.
Direction and dramaturgy Martina Badiluzzi
With Federica Carruba Toscano
Sound Samuele Cestola
Lights and set-design Fabrizio Cicero
Costumes Serena Cortellessa
Artistic consultancy Giorgia Buttarazzi
Assistant director Arianna Pozzoli
Curator of the project Corrado Russo
Producer Pietro Monteverdi
Production Oscenica
In co-production with Romaeuropa Festival, Primavera dei Teatri, Scena Verticale, Pergine Festival
With the support of La Corte Ospitale, Teatro Biblioteca Quarticciolo, Carrozzerie n.o.t.
#theatre #contemporarydramaturgy
Do you want to attend more than a show the same day? Match Penelope with Eutopia at 18:30
1st JULY 2022