Fare Jazz Big Band
Director Stefano Colpi
Saxophones Nicola Piras, Alberto Pellizzari, Lorenzo Sighel, Adriano Corà, Luca Boninsegna
Trumpets Alessio Tasin, Michele Tamanini, Emiliano Tamanini, Christian Stanchina
Trombones Demetrio Bonvecchio, Fabrizio Carlin, Fabio Beber
Guitar Andrea Oss
Piano Roberto Gorgazzini
Double bass Marco Arienti
Percussions Victor Fonseca, Alessandro Bianchini
Drums Thomas Samonati
Latin jazz became popular when North American musicians began to play Afro Cuban music with jazz instruments or to perform jazz repertoire with rhythmic formulas of Latin music. In Progetto Latino, FaRe Jazz Big Band performs Latin music pieces along with the most fundamental aspect of jazz orchestras: improvisation. For the occasion, two percussionists join the orchestra, to faithfully reproduce the colors and flavors of South America.
3 July 2019
h 9.15 pm
In case of rain the concert will be in Ex Rimessa Carrozze