Close Up
close up is a piéce of instrumental theatre for violin, accordion, voice, electronics and movement in line with KALAKARA’s research, constantly poised between musical composition and theatre.
The key word is “relationship”: close up investigates the relationship between human being and nature, between musician and instrument, between composer and score. The work aims to narrate a process of knowledge: the human being starts from the experience of himself to become aware of the environment that surrounds him and interact with it.
KALAKARA imagines a changing sound space, where the narration is entrusted to the two musician-performers who move on stage. The need to create balance between human being and nature is represented by the union between the musician’s body and the instrument, between the composer and the creation.
Music and choreography Anna Sowa (Kalakara)
Performer Margherita Berlanda and Dorota Jasinska (Kalakara)
Costumes Marco Baitella
Production Pergine Festival
with the support of Fundacja Pole do Popisu (PL), Ass. Cult. Anomalìa and Adam Mickiewicz Institute (PL)
Photo © Piotr Gamdzyk
16 JULY 2021
8:30 pm