Circolo Bergman
Every day millions of photos are shared online. Places, portraits, selfies create identities in which to mirror ourselves and multiply. What is at stake when we put one of our images into circulation? Starting from the personal archive of the performers, Bilderatlas interprets image sharing as a narrative possibility capable of impacting, in new ways, reality, the body, our language: an exploration of the archetypes of our time.
Concept Paolo Giorgio
A project by Sarah Chiarcos, Paolo Giorgio, Marcello Gori
Direction Paolo Giorgio
Performers Sarah Ātman and Alberto Baraghini
Production Circolo Bergman
Music Marcello Gori
Set design Circolo Bergman
Light design Sarah Chiarcos
Scenography consultant Erika Sambiase
Visual Dario Serio
Photos Jo Fenz
Supported by ZONA K nell’ambito del progetto IntercettAzioni – Centro di Residenza Artistica della Lombardia
30 June 2019
h 8.45 pm