Alessandro Businaro / Stefano Fortin
35040 is the postcode of Villa Estense (PD), the family birthplace in which the director Alessandro Businaro’s parents have been living for almost 60 years. A study focused on the inevitable subjective vision of the world around us starts from here. The audience will hear a different testimony of episodes and places of the past and they will connect them independently, according to their own point of view. Who builds the drama? Who is responsible for justifying an event?
Reasons why we would like to invite you to see this show:
We have always thought that putting yourself in someone else’s shoes is as difficult as necessary. Here we touch it with our hands. An out of format show. Outside the theater. Four spaces for four points of view.
At the end of the show an aperitif will be offered to the audience by Proposta Vini.
Creation, drama, sound and visual project Alessandro Businaro
With Caterina Benevoli, Norman Quaglierini, Francesca Santamaria and Elia Tapognani
With the testimonies of Alessandro Businaro, Chiara Businaro, Luciano Businaro and Stefania Zago
#teather #contemporarydrama #participatory
6th JULY 2023