The call supports the presentation of projects that have been already produced, which should be re-designed for the urban space.
For the presentation section the call includes:
• a financial support of 7.500 € in total (gross,including tax and social security contributions and artistic fee, production costs, specific technical needs, eventual translations, transportation and travels) for the presentation of one or more re-run of the project in the programmes of 5 partners:
– Periferico Festival (second week of May 2020) or Verso Sera (June-lJuly 2020);
– Il Giardino delle Esperidi Festival (18th and 28th June 2020);
– InVisible Cities or Contaminazioni digitali (end June – beginning of July 2020);
– Pergine Festival (first half of July 2020);
– Zona K (September 2020 – May 2021).
• coverage of the costs of accommodation (double room) from 3 to 5 nights (to be agreed with each hosting partner accordingly to the specific needs of the project);
• logistical support (permit requests, local contacts), basic tech support and tech personnel for get in-out (to be agreed through verification and clear agreements with each hosting partner).
Any other expenses will be covered by the artists.
deadline: 12 december 2019 (midday)
Fields marked with an asterisk* are required.