Daily Bread call: the shortlisted artists are…
Alessandro Carboni, Effetto Larsen, Eleonora Pippo, Kepler-452, Muta Imago are the five shortlisted artists that will partake in the final stage of the selection process of Daily Bread call.
The commission, composed by the promoters of the call Pergine Festival, Pro Progressione and L’arboreto – Teatro Dimora di Mondaino, after the evaluation of 107 applications, releases the names of the five shortlisted artists that will partake in the final stage in the selection process, a Tandem Workshop, taking place in July 2022.
– KEPLER-452
The meeting between the shortlisted artists and the partners of Stronger Peripheries: a Southern Coalition will take place in Pergine, during Pergine Festival 2022. The Workshop will be the occasion for the artists to present their project and practices. At the end of the workshop one artist/company/collective will be chosen for co-production.
The official communication will be send by email to all the artists who have applied to the call.