Work and Happiness? Reflections about participatory artistic processes
The final conference of the project A Manual on Work and Happiness (15-16 October 2018) will share experiences and results achieved in the scope of this project coordinated by Artemrede with the support of the
Press Conference 018
On Tuesday, June 05 at 10.30 am in the press room of Palazzo Festi (Teatro Sociale) in Trento, the program of the 2018 edition of the festival will be unveiled.
Pergine’s girls are about to lose control
After big cities like Genoa and Rome, now it's up to Pergine! The public call is open until June 25.
Siamo Europa selects A manual on work and happiness
A manual on work and happiness has been selected by the Autonomous Province of Trento among the projects in progress for greatest provincial importance achieved thanks to European funding.
The theatrical experience “A manual on work and happiness” looks for 20 participants
Do you want to get involved? To get on a stage without necessarily being an actor/actress? Participate in the theater project with the Portuguese company mala voadora.
ATLAS PERGINE: a human atlas of people, relationships, stories
What is your look on the Pergian community? Become a witness of your territory! Be photographed and tell us about your experience
Gira & Volta: culture accessible to all
Sunday, April 15th 2018 Nicola Tondi will speak about the NoLimits project during the conference "Inclusion and Contamination".
The new identity of the festival
Pergine Spettacolo Aperto decomposes and reassembles the previous structures in a fluid way, transforming itself into Pergine Festival.
Azione_improvvisa, Dance Makers, Full of Beans, Quasark675 – Architetti associati sono i vincitori del bando Open//Creazione Contemporanea 2018.