EFFE Award Ceremony and Community Launch
Sunday September 27th Pergine Spettacolo Aperto will fly to Paris for the EFFE award ceremony. Over 300 delegates from 30 different countries will meet as recipients of EFFE?s quality label and to take part
Imagery of perfection
The 31st of August artists in different countries around the world, connected via streaming, have ben coordinated by director and playwright Christian Lollike in an organic and coordinated unique performance.
2015 Festival launch
The press conference will take place Friday 5th June at 10.30am in the press room of Palazzo Festi (Teatro Sociale) in Trento.
Re-experience your birth with Graham Kennedy
Following birth, everyone starts an adventure of physical, psychic and spiritual transformation. Graham Kennedy presents the birth from the baby?s point of view
UrbArt ? Hands-on inclusive urban art workshop
Begins in April the workshop on inclusive urban art held by Pergine Spettacolo Aperto and Campomarzio
Open Platform 2015 ? Selected works
Open///Creazione contemporanea 2015: Results announced
The festival boosts economic and social growth
The festival activity report has been presented at the annual members meeting
Submissions now open for Pergine festival 2015!
In 2015, for our 40th birthday, we want to investigate the critical theme of life cycle and its two more critical thresholds: birth and death. We are now accepting submissions